Missing items from your order?
All parcels are checked meticulously before being dispatched, so we apologise if you have experienced this issue.
In the unlikely event you are missing an item from your order, please contact our customer care team (via the chat icon) who will be happy to help. To allow us to help correct this mistake, please send across the below information:
Your Name
Order Number (e.g LL00000)
Images of the items received
A list of the item(s) that are missing from the parcel
For us to successfully investigate your missing item(s), you must reach out within 7 days of your delivery date. Any claims after this point will sadly not be possible.
That's all the information we'll need from you. Our Customer Care team will take care of the rest and ensure this is resolved for you as soon as possible.
We’re committed to ensuring these kind of issues are minimised, so we appreciate your patience and understanding.